Workshop: Care Life Drawing (online) 


On 29th August 2020, this life drawing workshop is a collaboration between the Bis of Colour and Criposium, and it is an offering to all disabled womxn, trans and queer BIPOC (only). 

We offer this space as a form of collective care. It is a safe space for disabled people of colour to explore their sexuality and sensuality. Through touch, feeling and visual gaze, the workshop will provide a means to heal and cope with ongoing global issues affecting our daily lives. We know that disabled people are either ignored and attacked during periods of pandemics. Therefore, we bring this session as a means to echo Audre Lorde’s words, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Our understanding of disability includes those who are neurodiverse, survivors of trauma, suffer from mental health illness and those who self-define as disabled (no medical diagnosis required). We will hold a social after the workshop, so join us to foster a community of care and to forge  friendships. 

Workshop rules

As this is a safe space, please be mindful of toxic -isms, including: queerphobia (inclusive of transphobia & biphobia), anti-Blackness, ableism, classism and any other forms of oppressive and derogatory behaviour (be it explicit or microaggressive).

Please respect confidentiality of all participants. There will be no recording or photography of the session. You are welcomed to take notes. 

We welcome all people with different drawing abilities, our priority is to foster a community of crip love and care. Our understanding of art is non-normative.

Please feel free to come as you are, dress up (kink, make up, non-culturally appropriative ethnic wear) or be nude.

Bring a pen, crayon, paper, anything you would like to draw on. 


We are unable to provide BSL interpretation however there will be live Zoom captioning. We will also post summaries on the Zoom chat. 

When you log in, please make sure that you are muted, and that your background is accommodating to those with visual sensitivities. 

We have scheduled breaks, but feel free to tune in and out at your comfort. 

This event is disabled-led, if you have any queries or concerns please email us 

Click here to register for the event 

Please note that: No person interested in attending will be turned away due to lack of funds – just email us We welcome solidarity in the form of financial donations that can be made to the Bis of Colour via Paypal. For donations via bank transfers, you can drop us an email, with the title ‘Care Drawing’. 

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