Tag Archives: LGBTQIA

Postcards from Bi visibility Week 2020!

Bisexual Visibility day/week/month/lifetime!

Title reads: Bi Visibility Day, a comic by @soovertherainbow. Emperor Robot says, “This comic is as subtle as a brick! And it’S interrupting my Firefly marathon.

Futuristic robot states, “This new Robot LGBT+ group just got funded. Isn’t that great!”
Another robot at ground level wears a sash with the words, “Bi Pride” on it. They respond, “They don’t have anything specific for bisexual Robots.”

Futuristic robot says, “What about this LGBT+ group for Black humans? The Emperor’s girlfriend will love that.”
Robot at ground level replies, “No she won’t. They don’t have anything specific for bisexuals.”

Futuristic robot asks, “Why are you being so difficult?”
Robot at ground level replies, “Why are you being a wanker? Answer that, you biphobic tosser.”

Futuristic robot starts to say, “You’ll lose an ally if you don’t argh!, but is unable to finish speaking, as the robot on the ground extends its arm, striking the floating futuristic robot.
The robot on the ground says, “Bisexuals may not get much funding, but we know how to spend it well.” An arrow points to the side of the robot’s arm stating, “Extendo-arm. Only £50!”

Bisexuals get a minuscule amount of funding because of Biphobia. 
LGBT+ organisations rarely provide anything specific for bisexuals because of Biphobia.
The unique experiences of bisexuals are usually incorporated into LGBT+ reports and stats, but never separated by individual sexual orientation because of Biphobia.
Black and POC charities for LGBT+ are terrible at welcoming bisexuals, providing resources for bisexuals and even saying the word bisexual. And why? Because of biphobia.
We are the B in LGBT+ but are rarely represented by Queer organisations. We regularly receive violence and abuse at Pride events from Lesbian and Gay folks. And if we live with other oppressions, our lives can be unbearable. Because of Biphobia.
Queer Hate doesn’t only come from Straight people. Hell, they don’t have to lift a finger, because so many Lesbian and Gay folks do the work for them. 

So if you want to shine a light on bisexual visibility, then shed some of that light on how we face biphobia inside the so called LGBT+ communities as well.

Bisexual Merchandise!

To buy any of the t-shirts, follow this link to the Rainbow and Co or the linktree on Vaneet’s page



Bi Activists Vaneet Mehta, Bi Artist and designer Chris Morris and Rainbow and Co have brought the world a colourful line of bisexual merchandise.  The launch of these items were covered by Gay Times magazine. The t-shirts go from a XX Small up to a 5XL, which is great.


The line includes t-shirts cantering Bisexual men, Bisexual women and Bisexual nonbinary folks.  There are items in both the hashtag version or as a graphic t-shirt.  This is truly a first in my experience.


Vaneet Mehta created the hashtag: #BisexualMenExist which brings attention to an often overlooked portion of the LGBT+ community. Bi and Pan men, whether cisgender or transgender, are often demonised – by being blamed for spreading sexually transmitted diseases to their straight partners, by living on the “Down Low” or by denying that they are ‘really gay’ but in hiding.  All of these toxic messages only add to the biphobia that bisexual/pansexual men face inside the LGBT+ community and outside in the heterosexual world.  These t-shirts are a clear message that Bisexual men are here and queer – get used to it!

To buy any of the t-shirts, follow this link to the Rainbow and Co or the linktree on Vaneet’s page


BiCon lets us down again. Part 2


Image of a member of the Philippine Bisexual Group BiSides

BiCon Racism Part 2:

Introduction by Jacq
Since posting our previous entry, one of the authors, and Bi’s of Colour as a whole have received threats. If this is what happens when we critique a white bisexual institution, and speak openly about our experiences, then white bisexual people haven’t learned a thing.

By Nila K

One last thing about this latest bout of violent BiCon racism.

I can fight it. we all can. if you didn’t break us in ten years, and by God you tried, then you’re not gonna break us now. ANd that includes those of you who get it now.

Do you think that the ignorance of those we thought were community was less devastating than the outright hate? You’re wrong.  Dr King wrote about this in 1963.


We’re finding our places in the Uprising. We’re navigating COVID and extra police powers. We’re dealing with Toryhell. whatever the latest posh yt ‘feminist’ transphobia is . The DWP. The Home Office. etc. etc.

D’ya not think we’ve got enough to get on with?

and yet, you think now is the ideal time to push us through this tedious racist violent bullshit again.

You’re gonna realise one day, how patient we all were.

But probably only after I stop being patient. And tell it like it is. And set you all on fire. I’m holding my Firey Mother back right now. I’m not gonna do it for long.

And if this sounds like a threat? It should.

Taking a lot of inspiration from Brother Malcolm right now. As I have since I was 14.

“You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.”

and, always from Kwame Toure

” he only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent has to have a conscience.”

We gave you a decade to find your conscience. We’re done waiting.

Black Pride 2019 Pics

Sorry for this being posted so late!

If you were to look at most photos from any Pride celebration, you’d think there were zero bisexual people in attendance.  Biphobia from lesbians, gays and straights often mean they’ll snap pics constantly, but suddenly put their cameras down when they see a bisexual group or stall.  See for yourself by doing an internet search of your local Pride parade – see if you can spot any bisexuals at all!

Well Bi’s of Colour were at Black Pride this year, and we had a great time. We had many bisexuals and pansexuals come by the stall and make the most of our resources.  We had lots of fun chats too, and most surprisingly, we only had 2 biphobic WANKERS make nasty comments. That’s the lowest number yet, but it shouldn’t happen at all.  So please enjoy these pics which Jacq took of the event.  And call out biphobia whenever you see it!


LGBT+ People of Colour are the Canary in the coal mine.

It’s long known that when it comes to the hierarchy of the LGBT+ acronym, queer POCs are the bottom of the barrel.  This goes double for asexual, trans and/or bisexual women and femmes of colour.  In 2016, London LGBT pride let the racist hate group UKIP march as part of the parade, because UKIP has a gay group as part of a movement. https://www.buzzfeed.com/patrickstrudwick/ukip-have-been-allowed-to-march-at-pride-and-some-lgbt-peopl?utm_term=.vfvnrbdeJ7#.umGRmMaEzg

  This year London LGBT pride let a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) group lead the parade after they pushed themselves to the very front. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/07/07/anti-trans-group-allowed-to-lead-pride-in-london-march-after-hijack/

Now, we are rightfully disgusted that this was allowed to happen.  The TERF group shouted transphobic slogans during the parade, which is supposed to be welcoming to Transgender people.  


London LGBT Pride showed their hand years ago in 2016, but it was quickly forgotten and mostly ignored by the majority of pride attendees because UKIP hate is mostly aimed at POCs.  Jacq A was part of the Community board for Pride London that year, and resigned when they realised what was happening.  But no other member of the board stood up for LGBT People of Colour.  And now we see another vulnerable group treated in a terrible manner with Trans folk being targeted.  It seems the warning from the canary in the coal mine went unheeded until it affected (mostly) white people.

We at Bi’s of Colour chose back in 2016 to no longer work with or take part in London LGBT Pride.  We have known for some time that London Pride is far from its roots as a protest – it’s simply a corporate party for affluent cisgender lesbians and gays.  The Armed Forces, the police and airlines that regularly deport LGBT People of Colour have more of a presence at Pride than bisexual, trans and asexual groups – the cost of participating is often a major factor in that, but the unwelcoming atmosphere doesn’t help either.

Bi’s of Colour stand with our Trans and Nonbinary folk.  We are sorry that they have been treated this way.  London Pride is not a safe place for us, and it hasn’t been for some time.  Pride is a PROTEST!

On Sunday 8th July 2018, UKBlack Pride https://www.ukblackpride.org.uk will be happening at the pleasure gardens in Vauxhall, London.  For the first time in their history there will be TWO bisexual stalls!  Both Bi’s of Colour  http://bisofcolour.tumblr.com and BiPride UK https://biprideuk.org will have stalls present.  Please come visit us both and pick up some badges, info sheets and bright, bisexual smiles.  To top off your day, go to CaBiRet https://www.facebook.com/events/1758324607521315/ for some bisexual entertainment!

It is with regret that the Bi’s of Colour Book will no longer be happening.  Despite extending the submission date, and opening the call out to the whole Bi of Colour world, we didn’t get enough contributions (Those who had already submitted their work have been paid).

We will share the submissions we did receive either in the form of blog posts, or in another medium.  Bi’s of Colour are still going strong – we are & always will share the stories and experiences of bi/pan folk of colour; whether online or off.


Bi’s of Colour Collective